Kiwanis Park

Located in Randolph County | What you’ll find: Birding Trail Sites | Recreational

Kiwanis Park is heavily wooded, predominately in hardwoods, and has three significant sections. After passing along the entrance road (lined in mid-sized hardwoods – may produce a few songbirds, particularly in migration), continuing straight will lead to parking lots and a ball field. The most productive birding here would likely be the woods beyond the parking area, which should produce a fair variety of songbirds in all seasons. Retracing from the ball field-area woods, turn back left (NW) from the entrance road and follow to a small stream. Note the covered bridge here. The open field beyond the bridge may yield some birds of open fields, such as Eastern meadowlarks, Eastern kingbirds (warmer months), and Northern bobwhites. A loop road begins its route here. There is considerable understory and midstory to the right. Explore this often-wet habitat for Eastern towhees, Carolina wrens, Chipping, Field, and Song sparrows all year. These birds are joined by wintering songbirds such as Juncos, Swamp sparrows, Winter wrens, Ruby-crowned kinglets, Hermit thrushes, and others from autumn through spring.

The wooded areas here are excellent for most of the state’s woodpeckers, and Pileated and Hairy woodpeckers are present in good numbers here. Continue the loop to the top of the hill and you will see a display of antique farm equipment. This area is mostly open, and there are Eastern bluebirds and Barn swallows here. The surrounding woods are good for warblers, tanagers, and thrushes, as well as a good variety of flycatchers.

The Kiwanis Park offers several distinctly different habitats in a relatively compact site. It is adjacent to a major highway, and should prove to be safe and pleasant in all seasons and times.

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