Welcome to Tour East Alabama

From the mountains in the north to the nearly endless lakes and rivers found throughout, you’ll discover natural resources like nowhere else.

Cherokee Ridge Hiking Trails

This area has 11 miles of hiking trails, with one skirting the shoreline of Lake Martin for approximately 4 miles. Other areas of the trails are high rocky ridges and bluffs, some with vistas of six to eight miles overlooking Kowaliga Bay and Chimney R …

Cheaha State Park

Mt Cheaha is Alabama’s highest point, and it is one of the southernmost locations to find a number of the state’s more interesting breeding birds, such as Blue-headed vireo, Cedar waxwing, and Sharp-shinned hawk. Additionally, as the park is located in …

Southern Union Community College

The campus is relatively compact and all areas are easily accessed. The entrance to the college is dominated by massive mature pine trees and tall hardwoods. There is no significant understory and little midstory here, so the birds found here spend the …